Yesterday, the 5th of May was celebrated in Japan on Children's Day (子供 の 日). Just as girls are Hina Matsuri, I talked about in this post ) children have the "Kodomo no Hi."
From mid / late April and can be found on the streets the typical decorations of this festival, as part of the streets and temples, also in normal houses is tradition to hang the "koinobori (cloth tents flapping in the wind and representing the family) especially if you have one or more children at home since this party is dedicated especially to men.
And why carp? Because the Japanese carp represent strength, health and consistency, since these fish swim upstream, and somehow wish that children can face life in this way.
This year, I returned to Spain soon, I have come to see the Koinobori, but last year around this time I was in Japan, and in many places these tents flapped:
Koinobori in Asakusa
Koinobori in Roppongi
Koinobori in Ginza
Koinobori in Yokohama
Y koinobori this is the little I have in my room ^ _ ^
This koinobori last photo is great that I bought to put in the garden of my house! The truth is that I really liked this traditional decoration when it appears that wave in the wind las carpas estean realmente nadando, me compré el mas grande que vi, casi no me cabia en la maleta, pero al final se vino conmigo para España, y ahora que llega el veranito, le haré un hueco en en jardín.
Hay una cancioncilla tipica que tambien se suele cantar en estos dias, acerca del koinobori:
carp banner high above the roof a large black carp
golden carp swim in small children amused
Más alto que los techos de las casas, están
the koinobori biggest carp is the father
smaller carp are children
seems a good time swimming
do you think the koinobori? There are precious? ^ _ ^
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