First of all, and as always, thank you very much for the comments, all of you who are worried about me to all of you who have left messages of encouragement or consejos.Finalmente, tomorrow I return to Spain, I have my ticket ready to fly with Air France, although it will be a long trip, and I go out of Narita to South Korea, after Korea to Paris, and Paris to Vigo airport (although in Seoul only make a technical stop). Now I just hope everything goes well, there is not much delay and can get to Spain as soon as possible, be with mine and power finally sleep in peace. Yesterday
school called me to warn me of a reunion, at 14:00 came and I could see teachers running from one place to another taking a thousand phone calls, attending a teacher calls in Chinese, other in English and several teachers in Japanese, I imagine the mess that will have days're mounted.
Finally I explained that because the vast majority of students had returned to their respective countries, and the few that are here live far away and have trouble getting to class due to the trains, the course was terminated.
just seems that my adventure here in Japan, is now just back to normal at home, try to update the blog as soon as possible when it comes to Spain. Back
left many friends and classmates, but I carry a bag that weighs a lot, being full of good times and memories forever.
Thank you all.
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