El Hina Matsuri( 雛祭 )"festival de las muñecas" o tambien llamado "festival de las niñas" se celebra cada año el 3 de marzo para pedir que las niñas crezcan sanas y sean felices en el futuro.
Aunque realmente,la tradicion viene de china, en donde se creia que las muñecas podian contener malos espiritus en sus cuerpos y por ellos las arrojaban al rio, para que desapareciesen junto con todo lo malo. De esta manera, the custom came to Japan and gradually went up as far as modificanco today is the Hina Matsuri.
On this day, families with children, expose these dolls dressed in costumes of the Heian Era court than me, personally I love, have all the charm of traditional Japan, so, before yesterday, the day of Hina Matsuri, I went to see a special exhibition.
usually stand on a platform, and, as you see, they lack detail.
really fascinated me these dolls are beautiful, the only thing wrong is the price you have ....
eurazos 5,500! And there was more expensive by supuesto.Aunque, as always, there are all kinds of prices, depending on how many dolls you have, the size of those steps, etc ...
As legend has it that when the wrists are exposed longer than necessary, she will stay single more or take in marriage. Therefore, wrists are usually stored quickly, usually the next day of the festival.
addition to the exhibition of dolls, there are special sweets for the day, such as the "hishimochi" which is a rice cake tricolor (green, white and pink), diamond-shaped, also usually eat Hina arare "which are small balls of colored rice and is supposed to bring good luck eating that day ... Tabata supermarkets (and probably everyone else) were to the brim with all sorts of things for the day of Hina Matsuri Hina Matsuri cakes, candies Hina Matsuri Hina Matsuri Mochi, including special Sushi Hina Matsuri (which was the same bento as always just with a few doodles of Hina dolls in the box that made him look more kawaii). And you
@ s that you think about these dolls? I love to have one in the living room of my house! Although they cost me seems a shame to expose just a few days (;_·)
addition to the exhibition of dolls, there are special sweets for the day, such as the "hishimochi" which is a rice cake tricolor (green, white and pink), diamond-shaped, also usually eat Hina arare "which are small balls of colored rice and is supposed to bring good luck eating that day ... Tabata supermarkets (and probably everyone else) were to the brim with all sorts of things for the day of Hina Matsuri Hina Matsuri cakes, candies Hina Matsuri Hina Matsuri Mochi, including special Sushi Hina Matsuri (which was the same bento as always just with a few doodles of Hina dolls in the box that made him look more kawaii). And you
@ s that you think about these dolls? I love to have one in the living room of my house! Although they cost me seems a shame to expose just a few days (;_·)
Until next post!
Bye bye!
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Bye bye!
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