Friday, January 21, 2011

Hamster Bleeding On Rear

Wedding in Meiji jingu

Whoah! How quickly time passes, and more than a week ago I do not update, gomen! -_-Esque here but time I can not afford anything! morning go to class from 9 to 1, then I come to the residence and I cook at 2 and while I see my dearest Korean drama "you're beautifull" in Japanese of course, but weno, more or less I understand it, and anyway I've seen in English so here but nothing happens xD esque I never get tired of seeing guys ANGELL ainss .... ..... well, when you finish the 3 I usually go walking around out there, or Shibuya or Akihabara, or depends on the day, or if I have a lot of studying because I do not go, I stay in the residence, it all depends on what you have to do, although these last days I left a lot, because with the cold that made me catch cold noses esque .... if I already missed me this time and that I am already whopping took to get bad .... but anyway, things happen! I've gone to the pharmacy and I'm getting high with drugs Japanese, so I'm almost good:)

This is what I'm taking every day;)
Anyway, the photos I bring you today are from the last week I went to the Meiji Jingu, while he went shopping on Takeshita (hehe) and just had a wedding (not too hard to suit you, probably if you go on a Sunday, there wedding) so here I went to take photos I hope you like them!

Sorry! the image is upside down, but there was no way to upload it right xD gomen!

The bride was beautiful, as was also such a good day looked a lot:)

just left the room when I found another wedding, but unfortunately my camera ..... so tired of photo and decided that until I recharged the batteries would take no more, go well! always at the right time, finally!

xD I wish you a great weekend everyone, thanks for stopping by the blog ^ _ ~

A kiss!


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