Sunday, April 3, 2011


Japan Market

Last Friday I finally rejoined the Japanese classes in the official language school and had many tin dish \\ (^ ∀ ^) / ❤ so here for now I will continue my Japanese studies in the EOI Vigo .

Since last March 24 we have in the school hall a solidarity to raise money to help Japan, anyone can participate, either by donating books, publications, videos, cds s, DVD's, etc ... or also buying the material we already have stated in the market, this material is priceless, but each person will leave a contribution Minimum of 3 €.

material collection sites:

EOI de Vigo: C / Emilio Martinez Garrido N º 17, from 9:00 to 21:00 (without interruption). Vigo
Kyoto Restaurant: Calle Cuba No. 28, from 11:00 to 16:00 and from 20:00 to 24:00. C / Marqués de Valladares N º 12 Local 4, from 13:00 to 21:00.

We have also folded origami cranes, to express our support and hope that the situation will improve in Japan, we have more than 1,000, and now they are all hung side by side in that beautiful EOI are!

A parte del mercadillo de libros , los del departamento de japonés tambien estamos poniendo nuestro particular granito de arena haciendo algunas pequeñas manualidades como marcapáginas con el lema de " ganbatte nihon"( ánimo Japón),tambien pulseras, y algunas chicas mañosas de clase están haciendo unos broches preciosos con motivos japoneses, como el "maneki neko" ( el tipico gato que mueve la pata),sakuras,etc...

Los marcapáginas se han vendido como churros! ademas por detrás ponemos en el momento el nombre que quieras, y normalmente a la gente le llama la atención eso de - "ay! y como se escribe mi nombre en Japanese? "Are all very nice also!

The pulpit I love it! Poor, in the photo did not come out very encouraged, but that's because I took them to the mobile camera, which always leaves much to be desired but it is really cute! One of the girls in my class does, and I will take fotillos you bring more ^ _ ^

This is the place of the book fair, there are many things, and you can always find something that interests you, I on Friday I bought one, "The Shanghai white gardenia, and now I'm watching at home some books I have and alomejor next week I have to donate to the flea market and someone to give me more use.

And finally, this bookmark, which is that I could not resist, do not it beautiful? I look so cute ...

I hope we sell a lot of little things, because what we are doing very excited to be bringing a little help from aqui.GANBATTE NIHON!

~ ~ ~ ヾ (^ ∇ ^) Ja ne!


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