Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Housewife Forced Strip


was late 80's when I discovered that France was full of roundabouts and I thought that this was a good idea. Portugal the country was subsequently adopted by the massive traffic distribution system and for some years, Spain has a lot of roundabouts and that have streamlined and reduced traffic accidents. The one that impressed me most is the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, with twelve inputs and outputs and high rate of accidents Parisians insist on driving on the center like a cross.

Rotonding will call the art of decorating roundabouts. In France and Portugal there are precious. Best so a simple circle dull and drab, but once in a while the taste is not delicious.
seems that almost anything goes and we still have a lot to see. In Gijón is one that even used a solarium.
The case is surprising. By the way, once I even saw a tour of retirees picnicking on one because they thought it was a recreational area.

see who gives more. It is high time someone makes a web exclusive on roundabouts. At the moment there is already a specific blog can be this link, although the picture quality is not quite there.


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