The Perfect Hotels is a hotel booking website quality in major cities. Initially and before seeing the page I thought it would be more of the same but I was wrong.
The Perfect Hotels sold the 20 best hotels each of the 20 cities it serves. It is unique establishments that do not usually belong to large chains standardized. Which is consistent with an AC room or NH not need this reservation center.
also believed that the estate would necessarily be expensive and I went astray. In Barcelona there are excellent hotels between 100 and 150 euros per night. Obviously these are special places that make a difference but not necessarily inaccessible.

The web is very unusual guarantees. In addition to ensuring the best price, is committed to changing room or hotel if on our arrival we are not satisfied with the offer, all subject to certain conditions.
Another very convincing in the process of booking detailing the cost of all the extra services, such as breakfast or internet access and even the garage.
All with a design very nice to see and consult. Incorporates some typical details of airlines, as a price schedule of each hotel. Also include the promotion list for each facility.
The free content of the web are impressive and include audio guides, videos and documents ready to print with all the data of interest to a visitor of the city.
For the first time since I've been doing this blog I have to give an A to a company that cares about customers.
crisis ends As I sleep in one of those. Meanwhile go to Sidorme.